Despite the rapid developments in communication technology nothing has
yet replaced the persuasive power of language.
Whether you are selling a product, offering a service, supporting a cause,
promoting an idea, you simply cannot do so effectively without harnessing
the extraordinary power of words.
That’s why copy writing remains an essential skill. And if it’s top quality copy
you are looking for then you need look no further.
David Smith, a partner in Annette Green Authors’ Agency and Creative
Writing Consultancy, has been copy writing for over thirty years.
A Cambridge English graduate with a post-graduate qualification in Law
he has worked in publishing since 1986.
He has written for all manner of websites and sales campaigns.
He is highly experienced in SEO strategies. He is an imaginative, original,
powerful communicator and can deliver perfect copy to the slimmest of briefs.
Why not get in touch today and find out what we can do for you?